What I like about Photoshop are capitals and layers. This time it’s Italy with her layers. I like such viewpoints. Looking at nothing, but seeing distance.
It’s the distance because of the foreground. No foreground no distance. In that order. That’s how I learned it.
Canon EOS 5D – 24-70mm F 2,8 L USM –
ISO 400 – 70mm – F 13 – 1/800 – 2008, Apr.
I love that view, but wonder if the inhabitants also like it. Maybe they are used to it. Anyway on my way to Tuscany I met this view in Switzerland. Traveling means new views, new people, new culture. New ideas too. It’s always a pleasure to travel. Especially when you wear a camera.
Canon EOS 5D – 24-70mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 100 – 70mm – F 8 – 1/125 – 2008, Apr.
Seeing this photograph, the first thing I had to think about was: Catholic. Distinctively a Catholic Church. From outside, seeing the cross, I immediately recognized it.
Of course, being in Tuscany, you will never meet a church of a different believe. However I did not seek for it.
According to a Dutch performer, you are born catholic. A way of being. It’s in the blood.
I do not know how it is to be born as a photographer. Does it exist? At my birthday my father and mother gave me a Agfa Clack growing nine. I never regret that decision.
Canon EOS 5D – 24-70mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 100 – 24mm – F 2,8 – 1/5000sec – 2008, Apr.
One of my favorite photographs is the one I took in Tuscany. A vineyard maybe, or an olive grove. Anyway a beautiful view from one of the hills at Tuscany. I remember the soft wind blowing in my face. The trees are waving a little bit. A nice view in the morning sun. On my way to drink coffee in a nearby village.
Canon EOS 5D – 24-70mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 200 – 62mm – F 11 – 1/250 – 2008, Apr.
The ‘Concertgebouw” in Amsterdam opened at April 11, 1888. The Van Gogh museum is from 1973. Both the buildings are not to compare.
But when you visit both “arena’s” you get the feeling. Or you want to play and compose, or you want to paint. In both cases you will get ‘the essence of life’.
That’s why I am once a year in one of those ‘arena’s’. And walking in Amsterdam in a feast for the eyes of a photographer.
Leica D LUX 3 – ISO 100 – 10,8mm – F 5,6 – 1/640sec – 2008 April.
I love tulips. But those are gone. Gone in time. You should have seen them a week ago. They were glancing at home. But they are not at home. Where do they come from?
I really don’t know. May be Holland. Indeed several tulip varieties are coming from my home country. But the first one?
Tulips are originally from the Ottoman Empire (nowadays Turkey). They were imported to the Netherlands in the 16th century. When Carolus Clusius wrote the first important work on tulips in 1592, the flowers became so popular that his garden was regularly attacked and his flower bulbs disappeared.
This one disappeared too.
Canon EOS 5D – 24-70mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 200 – 32mm – F 3,5 – 1/160sec – 2008 March.
I like the old stuff. This time I met some old boats in the harbour of Rotterdam, called “Oude Haven”. An appropriate name. A sailor, along by, was coiling a rope. I photographed him. I like the black and white version of the print. Just because the contrast. In reality everything was rusty.
Canon EOS 5D – 70-200mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 200 – 200mm – F 2,8 – 1/1250sec – 2008 March.
It’s always around the corner. Why is that? Why is the greener grass at the other side of the hill? Nobody knows.
I think everybody has the discover whether the paint is wet or not. During a lifetime you discover everything. May there’s a truth in sayings. Maybe. I think so.
Anyway I saw this corner in black and white.
LEICA D-LUX 3 – ISO 100 – 63mm – F 2,8 – 1/20sec – 2008, March.
I had to think about that game when seeing this photograph. During a walk in the forest near my home I encountered this tree with her old leaves. The leaves of the former year. They are waiting for spring to come. However they are decorative you can no longer live with the old ones. They have to make space for the new generation to come. There’s no longer room for the old ones. No matter their experiences. You can look at them with a certain pleasure. Look at the shadows may be. Or just look. That’s the only thing that remains. Look at, may be look for…..
Canon EOS 5D – 70-200mm F 2,8 L USM – ISO 100 – 200mm – F 2,8 – 1/400 – 2008, Feb.
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