

Concerning my photography, I stick close to home during March.

I have agreed with myself that I will shoot only within a radius of 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) from Papendrecht – Holland.

Today I photographed the centre of my home town. The whole centre gave an abandoned impression. I think because of the rain. Because I always say to my students: “also in case of rain you can photograph”, I went out. Always wearing my hat (an effective tool during rain) and I had great fun. In the end it was time to get a real Italian tomato soup, which I made, waiting for me in my the kitchen now.

Enjoy this latest episode of Close to Home during March.
Happy Easter.

By |28 maart, 2018|CLOSE TO HOME, Fotografie, LIGHT, Straatfotografie|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor CLOSE TO HOME (5)


Concerning my photography, I stick close to home during March.

I have agreed with myself that I will shoot only within a radius of 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) from Papendrecht – Holland.

During the past days I went 5 kilometers west to cross the bridge over the river ‘De Noord’. On this side of Papendrecht I also found much industry. I discovered a bicycle left by miss Grace. I think she went to school. It seemed that her peers were there as well, since I found several bikes on this site. It is common in this region that many classmates bike together. You see them in large numbers to and from school with each other.

On this cold spring day, there was not much to see concerning this beautiful season. I love to go out with my camera. It’s always worth it. I used a X100S with WCL adapter to get a wide view of all the places.

And then, suddenly, I met Ciska at her school in my home town. I saw her final art project about the development of man in time. First the expression of the difference between physical growth and mental growth. And secondly the expression of ‘on the move’.

I always have a lot of respect for people who know to give expression to the imagination.

And since today, especially for Ciska, of course.

So,….. enjoy!

By |23 maart, 2018|CLOSE TO HOME, Fotografie, Kunst, Landschap|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor CLOSE TO HOME (4)


Concerning my photography, I stick close to home during March. I have agreed with myself that I will shoot only within a radius of 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) from Papendrecht – Holland.

During the past days I went 5 kilometers east and discovered  much industry, both on this side as on the other side of the river Merwede. First I met a large selling point of gravel, garden tiles and garden soil, as well as everything that has to do with the garden decor. I used a X100S with WCL adapter to get a wide view of the transport packed gravel pockets.

Further on I met just industry wherever I looked. It was very enjoyable to suddenly see some hay bales along the way. In the hinterland of Papendrecht even a few farms are left with the possibility to rent some horse stables, which I photographed with a XPro2 by the higher hedge.

So,….. enjoy!



Concerning my photography, I stick close to home during March. I have agreed with myself that I will shoot only within a radius of 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) from Papendrecht – Holland.

Today I went 5 kilometers north by bike in order tot get the first glimpse of spring. Except for some pruned trees I found no signs of spring at all. Maybe I like to go too fast, just like some young guys wanted to do. Anyway coming back from school they have to cross the road by using the bicycle bridge. A heavy job ……

So,….. enjoy!


By |7 maart, 2018|CLOSE TO HOME, Fotografie, Landschap|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor CLOSE TO HOME (2)


Concerning my photography, I stick close to home during March. I have agreed with myself that I will shoot only within a radius of 5 kilometers (3.11 miles) from Papendrecht – Holland.

Because it had snowed last night, I was gone out on this new day.  It is always a special experience to be the first in the fresh snow. The landscape seems to be enchanted by those white appearance. Some paths in the forest were closed. But there is plenty to see for an attentive viewer. And – as usual – I try to be one of them!

So, … enjoy!






By |3 maart, 2018|CLOSE TO HOME, Fotografie, Landschap, Natuur, Seizoenen|2 Comments