

Today I went to Dordrecht to capture the light and to present it in a panoramic format.

There is no end to wandering through this old city. I always discover something what is new to me. In fact it is left from a former period.

I never get used to it.

So today…

I saw the  ‘Stokholm’ building,  located at the front of the Wolwevershaven.

It owes its name to the cliënt of the construction, to the Stockholm-born merchant Anthony de Bruijn.

Then wandering along the stair gate from 1766

Along the Damiat bridge, which is an iron bridge and since 1990 designated as a national monument.

The bridge was built over the Wolwevershaven and connects two quays, the Wolwevershaven and the Kuipershaven.

And finally the Tomadohuis. An office building opposite Dordrecht’s train station.

This building was designed by architect Huig Maaskant and built between 1958 and 1962 by order of Tomado, a company that made all kinds of tools for the household.

The building is on the municipal monument list.


By |21 februari, 2018|Fotografie, LIGHT, Straatfotografie|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT (5)


On this Valentine’s Day I visited some courtyards of Dordrecht in the early morning.  A courtyard is usually a place with a number of most small houses around it. Originally the oldest courtyards were meant for sick, elderly or pilgrims. Sometimes it was courtyards for beguines. The later courtyards were only for the elderly and widows. I visited the oldest from 1755 and some other ones of the remaining seven courtyards. I like the early morning light because of the long shadows. This old town is recognizable by the many old houses with facades where time has passed. Even in the shade you will find ornaments that are worth keeping and being photographed.

FUJI Xpro2 – 35mm F1,4 R – ISO 250 – F2,0 – 1/320 sec



By |14 februari, 2018|Fotografie, LIGHT, Straatfotografie|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT (4)


As I told you before, during the old days Dordrecht traded primarily in wine, wood and cereals. In some places you can still see old bollards, where ships were moored. In my mind I see the old ropes swing around it.











It all happened under the eye of ‘de Grote Kerk’ of Dordrecht. In 1572, four years into the Dutch Revolt, representatives of all the cities of Holland, with the exception of Amsterdam, as well as the Watergeuzen, represented by William II de la Marck, gathered in Dordrecht to hold the Eerste Vrije Statenvergadering (“First Assembly of the Free States”), also known as the Unie van Dordrecht (“Union of Dordrecht”). This secret meeting, called by the city of Dordrecht, was a rebellious act since only King Philip II or his stadtholder, at that time the Duke of Alva, were allowed to call a meeting of the States of Holland.

From November 13, 1618 to May 9, 1619, an important Dutch Reformed Church assembly took place in Dordrecht, referred to as the Synod of Dordrecht.[9] The synod attempted, and succeeded, to settle the theological differences of opinion between the central tenets of Calvinism, and a new school of thought within the Dutch Reformed Church known as Arminianism, named for its spiritual leader Jacobus Arminius. Arminius’ followers were also commonly known as Remonstrants, after the 1610 Five Articles of Remonstrance which outlined their points of dissent from the church’s official doctrine. They were opposed by the Contra-Remonstrants, or the Gomarists, who were led by Dutch theologian Franciscus Gomarus.

Due to the opening times from April – October I cannot show any light or shadow from the inside of the church. As I was told, a long time ago, in order to catch the light: “you have to look for the shadows”. So I did (as usual).











ISO 200 – F 1,2 – 1/2000 sec       FUJI Xpro2 – 56mmF1,2 R      ISO 200 – F 1,2 – 1/2000 sec


By |8 februari, 2018|Fotografie|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT (3)


Today – a cold day – I went back to the Hof van Holland, as two days ago I saw a garden through the old windows. Now I was treated to a beautiful sunshine. It felt like spring being in the air.

At this time of the year shadows are still long as the sun is not yet high in the sky at afternoon. I spent some time over there as the sunshine and the view was beautiful.


In the 12th and 13th centuries, Dordrecht developed into an important market city because of its strategic location. It traded primarily in wine, wood and cereals. Dordrecht was made even more important when it was given staple right in 1299.

On 18–19 November 1421, the Saint Elisabeth’s flood flooded large parts of southern Holland, causing Dordrecht to become an island. Nowadays Dordrecht is still threatened by storm from the sea and by high river water levels. Due to its location on an island, evacuation at a breach is only possible to a very limited extent. This afternoon however, I felt very save in the middle of the old town and visited several places in order the catch THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT. Maybe it’s caused by the old ceilings which are there for more than 1000 years, maybe it’s caused bij the heavy doors behind which the people of Dordrecht live their lives.

ISO 1250 – F 4,0 – 1/250 sec       FUJI Xpro2 – 23mmF2 R WR      ISO 400 – F 4,0 – 1/3500 sec


By |5 februari, 2018|Fotografie, LIGHT|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT (2)


Today I started to capture ‘THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT”. During this month I will photograph some old places in the old town Dordrecht. Dordrecht was granted  city rights by William I, Count of Holland, in the year 1220. In order to provide getting wet at this time of the year I visit the museum “Hof van Holland”.

This museum is situated in the former  Hof van Holland, Zeeland en West-Friesland and was the High Court of the provinces of Holland (including West Friesland) and Zeeland, instituted as a separate entity of the government of the Counties of Holland and Zeeland in 1428. So, about 600 years ago some craftsmen were at work under my feet. Today I had a view from a window at the first floor, looking at a part of the old town called the ‘Hofstraat’.

The beautiful light at the street came alive when two passers-by came along. I had plenty of time to put my camera on manual focus as I decided to work with during this month of capturing the light.


As I read before, somewhere on the YouTube channel, after having positioned the frame you should wait for the people. So I did and indeed I was surprised to see someone coming by. Today my first attempt to capture ‘THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT” ended successful thanks to the rain.

FUJI Xpro2 – 23mmF2 R WR – ISO 1250 – F 6,4 – 1/250 sec



By |2 februari, 2018|Fotografie, LIGHT, Museum|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor THE LIGHT OF DORDRECHT (1)